平和と 美術と 音楽と webサイトより https://peaceartmusic.com/
平和と 美術と 音楽と webサイトより https://peaceartmusic.com/


“Peace + Art + Music,” held around Hiroshima Peace Memorial Day, is an art and music event that takes place at the historic Bank of Japan Hiroshima Branch building, a symbol of the atomic bombing. This event brings together artists who share the same commitment to peace, with the aim of delivering a message of peace from Hiroshima to the world.


Started in 2017, this event marks its 8th edition this year and will be held at the recently renovated Bank of Japan Hiroshima Branch building for the first time in two years. Hosting the event at this significant location reaffirms the importance of peace and provides a space for visitors to reflect on its significance.


The event features numerous talented musicians and artists from Japan and abroad, offering a diverse program that blends art and music. It serves as a platform to share wishes for peace through art and provides a special time for participants to come together and experience this unique moment.



広島の平和記念日を挟んで開催される「平和と美術と音楽と」Peace +Art+Music は、被爆建物である旧日本銀行広島支店を舞台に、夢や希望、そして祈りを発信する芸術・音楽のイベントです。このイベントは、平和への同じ志を持つアーティストたちが集い、広島から世界に向けて平和のメッセージを届けることを目的としています。






Peace + Art +Music Event Information


Dates: August 3, 2024 (Saturday) from 10:00 AM to August 6, 2024 (Tuesday) 5:00 PM

Admission: Free

Location: Former Bank of Japan Hiroshima Branch

Organized by: Peace Art Project in Hiroshima

Co-organized by: City of Hiroshima, NPO Heart of Peace Hiroshima


CONTACT ←Peace Art Project in Hiroshima


平和と 美術と 音楽と 全体の開催情報


開催日:2024年8月3日(土)10:00〜 2024年8月6日(火)17:00まで


場所: 旧日本銀行広島支店 

主催: Peace Art Project in ひろしま

共催: 広島市 NPO法人 Heart of peace ひろしま


お問い合わせ ←Peace Art Project in ひろしま



Venue 会場:Former Bank of Japan Hiroshima Branch 旧日本銀行 広島支店 

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